Member Services and Benefit Information Landmark Healthplan of California is a Knox-Keene licensed, specialized health services plan. We provide insured chiropractic, acupuncture and combined chiropractic/acupuncture benefit plans throughout California, and we offer these plans nationally on a self-funded (ASO) basis. Locate a Provider in Your Area Click the Provider Directory link below to locate a participating chiropractor or acupuncturist in your area. Provider Directory About Our Plans We offer chiropractic, acupuncture and combination benefit plans with a range of co-payments and visit limits. Our benefit plans cover treatment for acute and chronic disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system including joint and back pain. Wellness and preventative care are also covered and prior authorization is never required. None of our plans requires the satisfaction of deductibles or applies co-insurance. The member's responsibility at the point of service is just the office visit co-payment. Using Your Benefit Accessing care under our plans is easy: simply contact an in-network provider and provide your name and date of birth to schedule an initial exam. To locate an in-network provider click on Provider Directory, or call (800) 298-4875 for assistance. Schedules of Benefits To see a more detailed description of benefits, click on a plan below: Western Health Advantage Benefit Plans The information on this website is a summary of plan benefits. Please see Landmark’s Schedule of Benefits and Evidence of Coverage and Disclosure form for a complete plan description. Provider Data Exchange If you would like to electronically exchange healthcare data with another medical provider or organization in respect of treatment received by you from a Landmark participating chiropractor or acupuncturist, you may do so using the Landmark Data Exchange Portal. The first step is to create an account on the Portal. Click on the Member Data Exchange Login link on the left panel above to register an account. Please note that the account must be created using the social security number and date of birth of your policy’s subscriber. Dependent information may be shared by completing the required disclosure consent in the dependent’s name.
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